Marefind is an online platform that connects shipping companies/ owners to crew/ sea- professionals globally. By using our platform, companies/owners can view, compare and select the sea- professionals they wish to get in contact with. Our aim is to facilitate your search and meet your needs.
Marechat is provided to our Premium Users. It enables crew/sea professionals to get in touch with each other, upon approval of communication.
In case someone is not Online- an email with your message will be sent in order to get back to you.
When signing in your profile, select the ‘Forgot my Password’ option and you will receive an email from Marefind that will aid you re-setting your password.
Check your spam email. Confirm you signed up with the correct email. You can always add to your contacts to make sure you are receiving our emails.
Credits are given to our users for certain actions. (check terms and conditions). Credits can be redeemed and get discounts in our online services. 1 credit= 1EUR
For example, with 1.5 credits (=1.EUR) you can have 1.EUR discount on the online services of Marefind. More specifically:
• For Crew/Personnel on the monthly subscription of 5EUR you would normally pay, you will pay 5EUR-1.5EUR= 3.5EUR
• For Companies on the monthly subscription of 35EUR you would normally pay, you will pay 35EUR-1.5EUR= 33.5EUR
You can sign up by:
1. Using your email and password. Your email will be your username.
2. Using your Facebook or Google account.
Your full name or name of company will be shown ONLY when a request is accepted and this will be shown privately between the interested parts.
Your phone number will not be shown online in public but solely to the interested Company/Owner. Once you accept a Job Request or show interest in a Job Post, your phone number will be provided to the Company/Owner via email, in order for them to get in contact with you by phone.
It facilitates face-to-face interviews especially when interested professionals are located in different countries/cities. Download Skype
A profile photo makes a Company/Owner feel safe and confident to engage professionally with a Crew/Sea Professional and vice versa.
Marefind hosts Crew and Sea oriented Professionals looking to work to:
-Merchant Vessels
-Passenger Ships
-Office Positions
Marefind may host all fields of work that are linked to sea. Such as:
-Merchant Vessels
-Passenger Ships
-Office Positions
Copyright © 2025 Marefind. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Copyright © 2025 Marefind. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED