Marefind International Ltd (hereinafter “MAREFIND”), Nikou Theofanous 4, Palouriotisa, 1040, Nicosia, Cyprus, with Tax Identification code (TIC) and VAT: 10394164T Contact email:
MAREFIND considers as its top priority the safety and protection of your personal data, irrespectively from the capacity with which you communicate or cooperate with us, for example as potential or current users / customers, employees, suppliers, professionals, individuals or cooperating 3rd parties.
Your personal data includes any information that may lead, directly or combined with other information, to your identification or tracing as a natural person. Personal data include, indicatively, details such as name / surname, tax identification number, social security number, natural/electronic addresses, phone/mobile phone numbers, credit/debit/prepaid card numbers, e-mails, transactions’ data, telephone and electronic communications data, payments data, identification details of equipment or terminal appliances, as PC, Laptop, smartphone, tablet, browser history (log files, cookies etc.), as well as any other piece of information that may allow your identification, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), the “Protection of Personal Data” Cyprus Law N.125(I)/2018, the ePrivacy Directive 2002/58, other applicable National & European Laws on Personal Data Protection, as well as the decisions of the Republic of Cyprus Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection.
Please read this Privacy Policy of MAREFIND. By using our website and by clicking on the required consent box, whenever this is required, you unreservedly accept the practices described in this policy, whose terms will govern our contractual relationship and form part of the terms of use of each of our services.
This Privacy Policy aims to inform you on the terms of collection, processing and transfer of your personal data that we may collect as Data Controller or Data Processor.
MAREFIND and its trained personnel apply the 10 Processing Principles of the GDPR 2016/679 (lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, confidentiality and accountability) in order to protect your 8 Rights regarding the use of your Personal Data (information, access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, right to object and non-automated individual decision-making based on profiling, as specified in the National & European legislation). The above apply without any distinction and to all processing activities performed and to all services provided by our Company.
3.1 We may collect Personal Data from the following Website Users / Members / Individuals:
(a) Service Providers (Job Seekers - Marine crews or other Sea Professionals interested in finding a Job)
(b) Service Users (Individuals from Maritime Companies / potential Employers)
3.2 Personal Data may be freely (upon consent or payment order) provided by the User, or, in case of Usage Data, collected automatically when you are using our site.
We collect your personal data in the following steps / cases:
• Upon your visiting and browsing in our website, where we collect, with the appropriate lawful means of data collection (e.g. cookies), information from your terminal device, such as IP address, operating system that you use, the type and version of your browser etc.
• Upon your willful registration to our site / subscription to our services and when fill out a related application-form in our website
• Upon your subscription payment procedures and use of related forms (Premium & VIP Users)
• Upon your willful subscription to electronic or hard-copied lists, so that you receive informative or other marketing material in the form of prospectuses, electronically or by SMS or so that you renew your preferences
• Upon your communication with our offices / customer service personnel (recording of the content of your calls and each communication with our Agents
• Upon your communication (Service Provider to Service User), through your emailing or through your using of our Chatting platform “Marechat”, where we may have access as system administrators (only if needed - in cases of security reasons or cases of complaints handling)
• Upon the submitting to us of documents, judicial documents, orders, reports, confiscation documents, judicial orders etc by 3rd parties such as supervisory, prosecution, judicial, tax authorities, banking organizations, card issuance organizations, payment institutions, credit card institutions, companies that provide information on your creditworthiness for your protection against fraud or money laundering or combat against financial and electronic crime
MAREFIND does not collect / process any sensitive user data
MAREFIND does not collect / process any Minors / Children data
In case you are uncertain about which Personal Data is mandatory, you are welcome to contact us (see contact details at the end of the present Policy)
3.3 Analytically, Personal Data collected and stored from the Service Providers (or the Service Users – if they are physical persons) may include, indicatively:
• User ID
• Name
• Telephone & email
• Photo
• Sex
• Age / Birth Date
• Nationality &Place of Residence
• Professional Experience
• Qualifications / Diplomas
• User Data exchanged through our platform (within emails or within our chatting service – “Marechat”)
• Cookies & site usage-related data
• Facebook & LinkedIn data (if Users sign up using their Facebook or LinkedIn account). It must be noted here that, in these cases, MAREFIND will store in its database only the User’s email (for Facebook) or the User’s email & id (for LinkedIn)
For our Premium & VIP Users , data may also include:
• User Passport data requested for exact user authentication (however this data will not be stored in our systems)
• postal address for issuance or postage of invoice or receipt or details of order
note: “Remarks” – “rating” of Service Providers: Service Users, who have had experience from contacting / collaborating with a specific Service Provider, are entitled to (optionally) enter online their evaluation about this Service Provider, in the related Website menu. In doing so, they can enter a 1-up-to-5 star evaluation in fields related to Cooperation, Communicative Competence, Collaboration, Consistency etc, while being able to keep their Anonymity.
Additionally, MAREFIND may register and automatically collect, indicatively and not restrictively the following categories of information during the visit of a user in (1) IP address, (2) servers - workstations that have access to the webpage, (3) browsers used for the access to the webpage, (4) stated source or URL which eventually directed the user to the webpage and (5) the sites and information to which the user accessed in the webpage. These data help us to understand the visiting rate of our website, to identify problems of our site server, to manage our website and to adjust and improve the information and services
Any use of 3rd party cookies – or other tracking tools, by our site / platform or by the owners of 3rd party services used, serves the purpose of providing the necessary Service required by the User, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document and in our Cookie Policy.
4.1 Personal Data concerning the Website’s Users / Members is collected to allow MAREFIND to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes: Analytics, Contacting the User, Device permissions for Personal Data access, Handling payments, Hosting and backend infrastructure, Registration and authentication / security, Social features, Interaction with external social networks and platforms and Remarketing and behavioral targeting
No user profiling via solely automated means is performed.
4.2 MAREFIND will use your information for the following lawful processing purposes, namely:
• In general, for our services provision / completion of your requests, orders and payments.
• For the necessary processing of your data and creation of a Service Provider’s or Service User’s “profile”, which is necessary for the MAREFIND’s services scope (informing the other Website Users / Members, matching of Service Providers to Service Users needs)
• For processing specific services cases (VIP users – matching of specific Service Providers to specific Service Users’ needs)
• To answer / process your requests, complaints and applications for information, answering your suggestions regarding services improvements etc.
• For website traffic analysis and the improvement of your experience and to provide you with information related to services, offers and promotional activities.
• For internal operations and analysis, such as internal management, prevention of fraud, use by information technology management, invoicing, accounting, billing and auditing systems.
In any case, you are entitled to change, at any time, your preferences, by contacting us or by using the deregistration links which are placed within or placed within every e-mail you receive by us
4.3 All Personal Data requested / collected is kept at a minimum, also as stipulated by law, and only as strictly necessary for our Website’s services. Unless specified otherwise, all Data requested by us is mandatory and failure to provide it may make it impossible for us to provide our services. In cases where, through our site, it is specifically stated that some Data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate / enter this Data - without any consequences to the availability or the functioning of the Service.
4.4 In addition to the above mentioned in 4.2, it must be noted that the Website’s Users / Members personal data is protected and are not fully visible to all and in all cases. For instance, a Service Provider’s full personal profile data (eg. full Name, personal contact telephone etc) are visible to a (Premium) Service User only after a “Contact” between them has been initiated and mutually accepted / agreed. Similarly, a Service User’s (Company’s) Name is initially shown as “Shipping Company” or “Yacht owner” or “Other” and is revealed to a Service Provider only after a “Contact” between them has been initiated and mutually accepted / agreed (see details in our Terms of Use section).
4.5. Data Retention
MAREFIND keeps your personal data only for as long as:
• it is necessary for the purposes of collecting and processing it / based on the respective processing purpose
• the User / Member has an active profile account on
• it is imposed by the contractual / payment terms of each service (subscription-based services)
• it is dictated by applicable financial, banking, tax, telecommunication and other laws
After the necessary retention period expires, MAREFIND will anonymize or delete / securely destroy the data.
In particular, for non-subscription-based Members:
• a Member’s (Service Provider’s or a Service User’s - in case of physical Person) identity information / profile is kept in our database for one year after the time of the last “User input” / use of our Website
• In the event of a profile’s deletion by a Member, MAREFIND securely deletes all his/hers data which was registered in the Website’s database and informs by mail the Member that, within 48 hours, MAREFIND will discontinue any communication with him/her. MAREFIND maintains, in its database, the date of registration and deletion and the reason for deletion from the Website. MAREFIND maintains the above data for 48 months, for statistical reasons only.
From the time point Personal Data is deleted, the right to access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification and the right to data portability cannot be requested / enforced.
(see the separate detailed Cookie policy at the end of this page)
When you use our Website and you provide us with Personal information, we share your data lawfully and only to the extent it is necessary for the completion of MAREFIND’s services and in order to fulfill requests associated with our services and necessary processings.
Third Parties that may have access to your personal data include:
• MAREFIND Service Users (Employers / Job Providers), who search for / get in contact with Service Providers (Job Seekers) data, lawfully and according to our sites Privacy Policy & Terms of use
• Third-party service providers, such as site Hosting services providers, IT technical services providers, mail carriers, communications & advertising agencies – who have the least data access rights as possible and who are controlled, as Data Processors, through appropriate Data Processing Agreements (DPAs) by MAREFIND
We choose reliable providers / processors and we try to set contractual restrictions to all 3rd parties who receive your personal data, in order to ensure that they use the data securely and only in accordance with MAREFIND’s Privacy Policy and the applicable in Europe (GDPR 2016/679), Cyprus and globally laws regarding data protection.
In order to process your data, we may need to transfer them in other countries, including countries that are basically inside and only exceptionally outside the European Economic Area (EEA), always based, upon case, on the EU Adequacy decisions, Privacy Shield procedures (for USA), Binding Corporate Rules, Standardized Contracts and / or Approved Codes of Conduct.
In any case, we take the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal information is transferred, stored and processed in accordance with the appropriate security standards and with the provisions of this policy and the applicable data protection laws.
The updated list of Third Parties as above may be requested from MAREFIND at any time.
Finally, we may transfer or reveal your personal data to official, national or foreign, state and supervisory bodies (e.g. Police, Bank of Cyprus, National / International tax authorities etc.) when we are asked to comply with the law and to prevent any unlawful actions (e.g. fraud, money laundering etc.) to our or our customers’ detriment
Note: In addition, each Website User should be aware that when creating a profile and publishing his / her personal data on, his / her data and in particular the photo, may be automatically collected by 3rd parties such as Google and other search engines . For this reason, the visitor must contact the companies directly to delete his/her details, as in that case MAREFIND has no liability.
We do not automatically (but only based on your consent) associate personal data of our site’s Users with other personal information (such as e-mail addresses) in order to show advertisements or to send personalized offers.
Similarly, we share your personal details with 3rd parties only based on your consent.
If you wish us to stop sending you updates or offers, you may use the deregistration hyperlink, which is placed within or within the relevant e-mail you have received from us.
Our Website may contain hyperlinks that lead to other websites of 3rd, independent parties, which operate and are maintained exclusively by them, and which we do not control, as previously stated.
We carry no liability for the content, the actions or the policies of such websites. Please read carefully the corresponding personal data protection policies in the websites you visit, as they may have important differences from ours.
We do not allow the use of our website or of our services for the purpose of transfer, distribution or delivery of any mass or unwanted commercial e-mails (spam).
Moreover, we do not allow the exchange of messages from and to our customers which use or contain non-valid or falsified titles, non-valid or non-existing domain names, message sender encryption techniques, false or misleading information or which violate the terms of use of each website.
We do not allow in any way the collection of e-mails or of general information of our customers and subscribers, via our website or our services. We do not allow, and we do not authorize any attempt of use of our services in any way that could harm, deactivate, burden any part of our services or to hinder anyone who wishes to use our services.
If we detect a non-authorized or improper use of any of our services, we may, without warning and upon our absolute discretion, take all appropriate measures to block messages by a specific web domain, an e-mail server or an IP address. We are entitled to immediately erase any account that uses our services and which we deem, at our absolute discretion, it transmits or is connected with the transmission of any messages that violate this policy.
MAREFIND has designed and implements appropriate Data security organizational & technical measures to prevent:
• unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or loss / destruction of the Data
• accidental loss, destruction or deterioration of the Data
Our Website, has all the necessary security requirements, including valid htpps certificate (which ensures the encrypted user – site communication). Cookies are encrypted
Additionally, it must be noted that the Website’s Users / Members personal data is protected and are not fully visible to all and in all cases. For instance, a Service Provider’s full personal profile data (eg. full Name, personal contact telephone etc) are visible to a (Premium) Service User only after a “Contact” between them has been initiated and mutually accepted / agreed. Similarly, a Service User’s (Company’s) Name is initially shown as “Shipping Company” or “Yacht owner” or “Other” and is revealed to a Service Provider only after a “Contact” between them has been initiated and mutually accepted / agreed (see details in our Terms of Use section).
We have trained and responsible personnel and we recognize the importance of protecting your privacy and all your personal information. We use appropriate technical and operational tools, as anonymization, pseudonymization, data encryption, use of firewalls, setting of access rights, authorizations, training of personnel, periodic audits, compliance with security and business continuity standards etc.
All Subscriptions Payment transactions (using PayPal or JCC procedure) are performed securely. MAREFIND does not locally or centrally store / process any Users’ credit / debit cards data. Upon final payment procedure, the User is transferred in the cooperating third party’s secure “environment” in order to finalize the payment.
Any partner of us / third party, who has access to the above information, uses it to exclusively serve the above legitimate purposes. We share the information you provide to us exclusively in the manners described in this Policy and in accordance with your explicit and special consent per type of processing, which you may at any time and freely withdraw by communicating with us.
Despite the bona fide and all possible effort, from our side, to process and store your data in a secure operating environment, we hereby explicitly state to every visitor / User that we cannot guarantee the full or perfect security of this information. MAREFIND cannot guarantee or promise or undertake to ensure that there will be no unintentional data or unintended and unlawful access to it from third parties, and hence MAREFIND bears no liability in regard to it. The User must immediately notify MAREFIND, in writing, if he/she takes notice that his/her contact details have been lost, stolen or used without his/her permission or if any other unintentional and unlawful access to them is discovered. In such a case, we will remove your contact information from your account and update our records accordingly.
11.1 Based upon the data you provide us with when registering in our Website & services, we will send you an email to verify your User Name. We will also communicate with you in response to your inquiries, to provide the services you request, and to manage your account. We will communicate with you by email, in accordance with your wishes.
11.2 Users Rights:
Our Website / services Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Data processed by MAREFIND.
In particular, Users have the right to do the following:
• Withdraw their consent at any time. Users have the right to withdraw consent where they have previously given their consent to the processing of their Personal Data.
• Object to processing of their Data. Users have the right to object to the processing of their Data if the processing is carried out on a legal basis other than consent.
• Access their Data. Users have the right to learn if Data is being processed by MAREFIND, obtain disclosure regarding certain aspects of the processing and obtain a copy of the Data undergoing processing.
• Verify and seek rectification. Users have the right to verify the accuracy of their Data and ask for it to be updated or corrected.
• Restrict the processing of their Data. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to restrict the processing of their Data. In this case, MAREFIND will cease processing their Data.
• Have their Personal Data deleted or otherwise removed. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to obtain total or partial erasure of their Data from MAREFIND.
• Receive their Data and have it transferred to another controller. Users have, under certain circumstances, the right to receive their Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and, if technically feasible, to have it transmitted to another controller without any hindrance.
• Lodge a complaint. Users have the right to bring a claim before their competent Data Protection Authority.
11.3 If you have any Requests, Complaints, Questions or Comments on this Privacy Policy or if you consider that we have not abided by the principles set herein, please contact us by e-mail at or by post at: Nikou Theofanous, 4, Pallouriotissa, 1040 -Nicosia, Cyprus.
Site Owner and Data Controller
Legal information
This privacy statement has been prepared based on provisions of multiple legislations, including Art. 13/14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).
This privacy policy relates solely to, if not stated otherwise within this document.
Cookies consist of small portions of code, installed in a visitor’s / User’s web browser, that assist MAREFIND in providing the Service according to the purposes described. Some of the purposes for which Cookies are installed may also require the User's consent.
Where the installation of Cookies is based on consent, such consent can be freely withdrawn at any time following the instructions provided in this document.
Our Website uses cookies which:
• are deleted from your browser / terminal immediately after you terminate your browsing to our site and you close your browser (‘session cookies’)
• cookies that remain stored even after the session expiration and allow our site to “remember” your device the next time you visit it (‘persistent cookies’).
In general, both these cookie categories are necessary since in fact they “allow” our site to offer its services with the most secure and user-friendly way (eg. by authenticating of registered users, preservation of data inserted by users during previous visits etc.)
Analytically, cookies used by include:
1. Essential cookies: cookies strictly necessary for the user’s session
2. Functional Cookies: These cookies store user settings & preferences, so that the Website can offer a more functional and “personalized” browsing and are necessary for the Website’s optimal performance
3. Performance and Analytics Cookies (third party): The services contained in this section enable to anonymously monitor and analyze web traffic, and may be used to keep track of User behavior.
Specifically for Google Analytics (Google Inc.):
• Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google utilizes the Data collected to track and examine the use of this Application, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services.
Google may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.
• Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.
• Place of processing: US – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
4. Behaviorally Targeted Advertising Cookies (third party): these cookies store user preferences related to pages and services visited, aiming to projecting related third parties advertisements.
How to provide or withdraw consent to the installation of third party Cookies
If, for any reason, you do not wish third party cookies, you can manage preferences for Cookies directly from within your own browser and prevent – for example – third parties from installing Cookies.
Through browser preferences, it is also possible to delete Cookies installed in the past, including the Cookies that may have saved the initial consent for the installation of Cookies by this website.
You can, for example, find information about how to manage Cookies in the most commonly used browsers at the following addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
With regard to Cookies installed by third parties, you can manage your preferences and withdrawal of your consent by clicking the related opt-out link (if provided), by using the means provided in third party's privacy policy, or by contacting the third party.
It should be stated that settings that block the use of specific cookies may adversely affect site performance / delivery of site specific functions or services.
If a user does not choose / implement such settings, this is considered as acceptance of receiving / storing of cookies from, as per present policy
For any additional information regarding the present Cookies policy, you can contact us at
Since the installation of third party Cookies and other tracking systems through the services used within our Website cannot be technically controlled by MAREFIND, any specific references to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties are to be considered indicative. In order to obtain complete information, you are kindly requested to consult the privacy policy for the respective third party services listed in this policy.
Given the objective complexity surrounding the identification of technologies based on Cookies, you are encouraged to contact MAREFIND should they wish to receive any further information on the use of Cookies by
Copyright © 2025 Marefind. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Copyright © 2025 Marefind. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED